Grape Chemistry Update

The table below will be populated on a regular basis as harvest time approaches with readings of grape chemistry based on random samples taken by Shaker Ridge.



Grape Chemistry Readings

Sugar (brix)

Total acid (g/dL)






















































































June Vineyard Update 6-19-06

Fruit set is complete across the main vineyard, and the berries are rapidly increasing in size. Plants are in excellent condition at this time. The weather has been dry and unusually moderate in temperature, but high heat is expected by week’s end. Training of lateral cordons in new port vineyard is in progress.

Shaker Ridge Grower Update

Welcome to the Shaker Ridge Grower Update. In this space, we will update customers on the current status of the grapes as well as grape chemistry. Please visit often, or you can subscribe to this by hitting the RSS button on the top of the screen (if you have an RSS enabled browser or reader).